4 Ways Going Outside Can Improve Sleep

If you’ve been having a hard time catching some zzz’s lately, then getting outside more might be what you need to make it to Dreamland. Here are a few ways that connecting with nature can be helpful for sleep.

1. Improves Circadian Rhythms

Your circadian rhythm is an internal clock that tells your body when it’s time to sleep and when the day has begun.

One factor that affects your circadian rhythm is light. When your eyes pick up a lot of light, your circadian rhythm promotes wakefulness, while sleepiness is promoted if it’s dark.

Getting enough sunlight syncs your circadian rhythm with the day-and-night cycle, making falling asleep a piece of cake.

2. Encourages Exercise

Spending time outdoors can also motivate you to exercise, especially with outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking, gardening, and bicycling. Studies show that exercise is associated with deeper, quality sleep.

3. Reduces Stress

Stress can keep you up at night, but luckily, the answer is simple: Go outside more! The swaying trees and the sound of rain will leave you relieved and at peace.

4. Alleviates Sleep Conditions

Indoor air often contains dust, mold, and mildew, which can worsen snoring and insomnia. Outdoor air gives your body a break from these pollutants which can help you sleep undisturbed at night.

A Word of Caution

If you’ve been spending time outdoors and still can’t sleep, then it’s best to see a doctor. And remember: The health perks of going outdoors aren’t a suitable replacement for professional advice.


  • Circadian Rhythms – National Institute of General Medical Sciences. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (.gov), 2023.
  • Exercising for Better Sleep. Johns Hopkins Medicine.
  • Mold in the Bedroom: How it Impacts Sleep. Sleep Foundation, 2023.

How are you spending your time outdoors? Share in the comments.

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