7 Ways to Support a Depressed Person

Depression is a complex mood disorder that has many causes and symptoms. Some causes of depression include the passing of a loved one, trauma, and medical illnesses. Symptoms of depression range from sadness and a lack of motivation to anti-social behavior and thoughts of suicide.

If you or someone you know is depressed and thinking about suicide, call 911 or your local health emergency services immediately.

If you need someone to talk to, call the National Suicide and Crisis Hotline at 988. They have professionally trained counselors who will speak with you for free.

Here are seven ways to offer support to someone who is depressed.

1. Listen

Letting the depressed one talk can help them express their feelings which can be helpful for healing. Also, listening shows that you care and take their depression seriously.

2. Be Non-Judgmental

When you’re judgmental, the depressed one may feel guilt or shame for feeling depressed, which can worsen their depression. Try to be empathetic and open with them when offering support.

3. Help with Daily Tasks

Offering to clean the dishes or to buy groceries are great ways to help reduce their stress and help them with their depression.

4. Check Up on Them Frequently

Whether it’s a quick text or a phone call, actively checking in on a depressed person shows them that they’re not alone and that you’re available.

5. Encourage Professional Support

A professionally trained therapist can identify the root cause of their depression and recommend the best treatment.

6. Practice Self-Care

Supporting someone who is depressed can be physically and emotionally draining. Get enough sleep, follow an exercise plan, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. You might also consider a therapist.

7. Be Patient

Being pushy when offering support can actually do the opposite; the depressed one may feel that you don’t care about their feelings. Remember that recovering from depression can take time.

Understanding Your Limits

Not everyone with depression may want to help themselves, even if you support them. It’s important to remember that it’s up to the depressed one to take steps toward recovery.

If someone in your life is depressed and doesn’t want to take action, stay by their side and continue supporting them. You might inspire them to seek help in the future.


  • Depression: Causes, Symptoms, Types, & Treatment. Cleveland Clinic, 2023.
  • Symptoms – Depression in adults. NHS.

Were any of these strategies helpful in supporting a loved one with depression? Share in the comments.

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