Float Your Way to Better Sleep with Floatation Therapy

When it comes to getting a good night’s rest, welp, I’ll just say this: As a nation, we’re pretty sleep-deprived. According to Sleephealth.org, only one out of every three American adults is getting all the quality rest they need. And we already know how important sleep is for our health.

Without enough sleep, we not only find ourselves low on energy, but we’re more likely to catch the sniffles and eat excess calories. Luckily, there’s a possible solution to all this insomnia madness: floatation therapy.

Floatation therapy involves lying in a tank filled with salty water. The salt in the water is what allows your body to float. The tank is designed to be soundproof and lightproof.

Because of how relaxing floatation tanks are, they can help you feel less anxious and stressed and give your mind a break from all the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This means longer and deeper sleep at night.

To find floatation tanks, you’ll have to look for spas or floatation centers. Also, each session can cost anywhere from $50-$100. Each session typically lasts about an hour.

Before you show up, you’ll want to shower to remove any oils or makeup. You should also avoid any heavy meals since you’ll be lying down. And while you’re at it, avoid drinking too much water so you won’t feel the need to go when you’re in the tank. Because you’ll be nude in the tank, most spas/floatation centers will provide towels, but if they don’t, make sure to bring your own.

After your floatation session, you’ll want to take a shower to rinse off the salty water. The place may or may not provide you with a shower. You’ll also want to drink plenty of water since salt dehydrates the body.

And don’t forget to reschedule! I recommend doing floatation therapy once to three times a week.


  • The State Of Sleep Health In America In 2023 – SleepHealth. Sleephealth.org.
  • Sensory Deprivation Tank: Effects and Health Benefits. Healthline, 2018.

Floatation tanks have helped me sleep better than ever. Did floatation therapy help you? Or have you never used it before but are considering it? Tell me your thoughts below.

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