Eat These Foods Before You Exercise

Science doesn’t have a clear answer on whether or not to exercise on an empty stomach. However, it has been found that a result of skipping meals before a workout is light-headedness, which comes from low blood sugar. Not everyone experiences this symptom, but if you do, it’s a good idea to eat before physical activity. You’ll want to eat complex carbohydrates before a workout. Simple carbohydrates give you energy but break down too quickly, leaving you tired (sugar crash). Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, provide energy for much longer.

Sweet Potato

Sadly, this vegetable is only important on Thanksgiving Day, but it should be enjoyed every day. Sweet potatoes are a powerhouse of vitamin A, magnesium, iron, and vitamin C. However, most of the vitamins and minerals are found in the sweet potato’s edible skin.


Oats have become an icon of health and fitness. What’s unique about this whole grain is how nutritious it is. Oatmeal is a top source of magnesium, manganese, copper, and selenium.


Lentils are underrated given the fact that they offer magnesium, iron, and folate. Yet they still don’t get the love they deserve. The bean also has loads of fiber and protein.


  • Healthy Carbs: How the Macronutrient Impacts Working Out. Shape, 2019.
  • Oats 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits. Healthline, 2023.
  • 5 Health Benefits of Lentils That Will Make You Want to Eat Them Every Day. Spoon University.

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