How Spicy Food Is Healthy

Do you know what makes some food spicy? If you guessed capsaicin, you’d be correct. Capsaicin is a compound that’s found in cayenne and bell peppers, to name a few. Some people enjoy the pain from capsaicin, while others love the flavor. However, if you get an upset stomach after eating anything spicy, it’s best to avoid or limit it. With all this in mind, here are some reasons to beat the heat:

Makes you happy

Seratonin is an endorphin that makes you feel happy. When capsaicin burns your tongue, the body mistakes the burning feeling as pain. As a result, the brain starts to release serotonin, a hormone to reduce the “pain”.

Ever googled spicy peppers and saw SHU next to a number? SHU stands for scoville heat units, and it simply indicates how spicy a pepper is. The higher the number in scoville heat units, the more potent and spicy that pepper is.

Improved heart

Heart attacks take place when blood is blocked from the heart, due to fat. Capsaicin lowers the total amount of fat, allowing easy access for blood to go to the heart. Additionally, capsaicin increases blood circulation.

A tasty way to get nutrition

Some spicy peppers have vitamin A, vitamin C, and copper. Plus they’re easy to add to your diet. You can use hot peppers in jellies, salsas, or pickle them.


  • 5 reasons why spicy food is good for you. Fox News, 2017.
  • Chili Peppers 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Effects. Healthline, 2019.

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