Sweating and Smiling: 5 Off-Road, Human-Powered Vehicles

A couple months ago, I and a few friends went off-road biking on a trail, and it was an absolute blast! There’s nothing like racing with your friends out in nature. And that’s why I decided to write this post! So, grab a helmet and a bottle of water and get ready to delve into a list of off-road, human-powered vehicles.

The Health Benefits of Exercising Outdoors

Breaking a sweat while in nature comes with a multitude of health benefits, including:

  • Increased vitamin D production
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Better heart health
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved sleep quality

Human-Powered Adventures Await!

Looking for a way to spice up your gym routine? Here are 5 off-road, human-powered vehicles that’ll leave you feeling the burn with a smile on your face.

1. Mountainboard

If you’re a skateboard-lover, switch up your game by trying mountainboarding. Mountainboards resemble skateboards that had their small wheels replaced by moderately-sized grippy bicycle wheels.

2. Off-Road Rollerblades

Sure, rollerblading on the sidewalk is fun, but off-road rollerblading takes it to another level. Your legs will feel on fire as you’re rollerblading through the forest.

3. Off-Road Handcycle

Unlike the other human-powered vehicles in this list, the handcycle works your upper body rather than your lower body. The handcycle looks like a recumbent bike with three wheels and features two handles that you crank.

4. Off-Road Unicycle

Unicycles are for clowns, right? Nope! Unicycles require a lot of balance, and off-road unicycles require even more. This human-powered vehicle is for the experienced athlete.

5. Off-Road Trike

The off-road trike is the way to go for people who are new to exercising or who aren’t used to going on outdoor adventures.

Safety Tips for Your Outdoor Adventure

Before you head out to the trail, remember to keep these safety tips in mind:

  • Check the weather forecast ahead of time
  • Choose a terrain that matches your fitness level
  • Know the exit points of the trail
  • Regularly check equipment
  • Always wear protective gear
  • Wear light-clothing
  • Apply sunscreen
  • Bring plenty of water and stay hydrated
  • Bring a buddy
  • Have a fully charged phone in case you have to contact emergency services
  • Avoid overexercising
  • Don’t feed or approach wildlife

Dirt, Wheels, and Joy

One of the healthiest ways to take care of your body can also be an activity that brings you joy!

Looking for more fun ways to stay active? Check out, “5 Affordable and Surprisingly Fun Exercise Equipment.”

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